Staying fit and healthy these days is at the forefront of our life it seems. We see so much marketing towards special diets, supplements, foods, prebiotics and probiotics. Knowing what is true can be hard to determine. Becoming a parent puts added pressure on you to make sure you are giving your baby the best opportunity to be healthy. Probiotics and gut health are linked to creating better health for adults, but is this true for babies as well? Dive into the article, Probiotics and Gut Health, to learn all about probiotics and your infant’s gut health.
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It is an exciting time when your baby starts to eat solid food. Food for many of us is a social experience and seeing your baby eat for the first time can be a joyous and monumental occasion. Knowing the best foods to feed your developing baby is key to providing the best nutrition possible. Some foods are better than others and learning which foods are nutritious as well as least allergenic will enlighten and prepare you and your family on the correct path. Continue reading to learn more.
How do you know if your breastfed baby has an allergy? There are signs and symptoms a baby will have if they have an allergy to something in your breast milk. Babies are not allergic to breast milk itself, but they can be allergic or sensitive to foods you eat while breastfeeding. Although the likelihood of a newborn having an allergic response to something in breast milk is low, learning the signs and symptoms can make you feel more confident as a parent.
AuthorHeather Shabestari, BS, IBCLC, CEIM, is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and a Certified Educator of Infant Massage (CEIM). Her lactation training was completed through University of California, San Diego and an 8 month internship at Kaiser Permanente's outpatient lactation department.